Built community
to learn.

A sound academic curriculum

Admission is Ongoing

Robust Learning Oriented activities

You are welcome

Discover our Top School Child Benefits


A significant journey of a thousand miles often begins with a single purposeful step.

Sneak peek of Our School

Our classroom programs offer opportunities for children to engage in a range of cultural and sporting activities. The teachers adopt new teaching techniques.

At  Jonathan Krimi Academy, we are committed to creating a caring and safe atmosphere which promotes emotional, social and academic development. We aim at ‘Building a Community of Now and Future Conscious Leaders to Make Evidential Global Impact’. We are out to “Inspire, Educate and Nurture” our  students into fine human beings by imparting education and inculcate human values.

The integrated curriculum we follow promotes learning through music, art, dance, drama, activities, field trips and outdoor play. The learning and development of the children is not confined to the classrooms but is extended to the external environment. This allows the children to explore their surroundings and exercise their imagination.

Upcoming EducatIon News

Discover our Top School Certified Created News


On the river, on East 83rd Street, we will be here. Educating girls who are undaunted in their…


To champion such rare and precious places in this world—to tend them, protect them, to make them whole,…

67 %

students receiving scholarships


students receiving financial aid

1: 67
Student-Teacher Ratio

state-of-the-art classrooms and labs

Pre k through 12 college

Why JK Academy is the best for your child's Education

The pursuit of excellence encouraged at Jonathan Krimi Academy rests on the positive belief that every child has it in his/her the ability to excel. Along with well- structured learning imparted through the curriculum, our focus is on addressing the holistic development of the personality of our students.





